
Cassioli: relaunch, stronger and above all safer!

We have made every effort to protect the health of our workers as far as possible using safety devices and measures to fight Covid-19.

Since mid-March, Cassioli has had to remodel and strip back its work activities to the elements most essential and strategic for the country, in line with government regulations to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The company is now ready to relaunch as effectively as possible, placing protection of its employees at the centre of all actions.

In recent months, the Company has worked hard to develop and disseminate a complete code of conduct for its colleagues in order to guarantee health and prevention measures. Cassioli immediately provided alcohol-based disinfectant gels and mandatory PPE, such as disposable masks and gloves, as well as enforcing 1.80-metre social distancing in the workplace.

The protocol drawn up by our safety experts was then reinforced with mandatory temperature measurement for all employees entering our sites, redistribution of workstations and constant disinfection of rooms by cleaning personnel.

In this period, Cassioli has never completely shutdown. Thanks to remote working and special shifts, both for office-based personnel and blue-collar workers, it has been possible to continue operations and assist our customers even during the lockdown, helping to continue the important work of essential primary sectors, such as the food & drink, pharmaceutical and air-freight industries.

Now that Phase 2 is fully implemented, we are working to further increase safety in the company, placing the health of internal personnel and those who will be working on external sites at the centre of all actions.

Below are some of the most significant measures applied here at Cassioli:

  • Monitoring of body temperature with daily checks for employees before entering the workplace, using a non-contact infrared forehead thermometer
  • Mandatory face masks for all activities and working environments, for the entire duration of the working day; the masks are provided at specific company premises;
  • Obligation to respect hygiene measures for hand sanitising, using alcohol-based gel or washing them frequently with soap and water;
  • Obligation to respect shifts and spacing for the canteen: scheduled times according to the company department and staggered seating, leaving adequate space between people. The canteen has also been equipped with Plexiglas barriers and disposable sanitizing wipes for table and seat sanitization;
  • New canteen expansion: the expansion of the production plant in Torrita, already underway since the end of 2019, involved a new canteen area from the beginning, which has now been redesigned and optimized. In order to further prevent the spread of Covid-19, the area dedicated to the new canteen has been increased. It will be equipped with tables and chairs with a special Krion coating, a material that ensures safe and healthy environments thanks to its photocatalytic and antibacterial properties and its easy-clean properties; tables will also be equipped with special protective plexiglass barriers.
  • Sanitization of company vehicles after each use with an ozonizer, for sanitization of the passenger compartment and the air-conditioning system. Ozone is recognized by the Ministry of Health as a natural method for decontaminating environments and surfaces from bacteria, viruses, germs and any other microorganisms.
  • Daily cleaning of rooms and workstations with alcohol-based disinfectants or sodium hypochlorite by cleaning personnel, according to the instructions of the Italian National Institute of Health.

The current situation in Italy and in the world is very challenging: it is complex, problematic and constantly puts our resources and our way of working to the test. However, we believe that, like any challenge, this will be an opportunity for Cassioli to overcome its limits and come out stronger than before, altered, but with the same desire to improve and create more efficient systems for our customers.

Cassioli is therefore relaunching with a promise and the responsibility to ensure compliance with all safety regulations, whilst also ensuring the support and continuity of services for customers who continue to place their trust in us.

Distanced, yet united and always protected, we can do it!


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