The CARTESIO automated warehouse for plastic containers offers high density storage with low surface area. The Cartesio system is primarily aimed at the storage of small objects subject to significant picking or placing activity (trays, boxes and drawers). The warehouse is made up of shelving organized into columns, which can also be configured two deep in order to double the capacity of the system. By utilizing multiple storage columns, the CARTESIO system is modular and can be customized for optimal use of available space. The wide range of containers that can be used, together with the modular architecture of the system, makes CARTESIO an intensive warehouse suitable for any industrial environment, including mechanical, pharmaceutical, electrical, hydraulic, fashion sectors and many more. The heart of the CARTESIO warehouse is represented by a beam that moves vertically, equipped with an automatic container extractor (fork, finger or pronged), which moves horizontally. The CARTESIO warehouse is fully lined and is not therefore accessible to operators: this guarantees a reduction in the risk of accidents and greater safety for personnel, as well as less physical damage to materials and zero risk of goods being stolen.
Località Guardavalle 63,
Torrita Di Siena (Siena) 53049 Italy
Tel +39 0577 684511
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2024 © Cassioli Srl – Cap. Soc. € 2.800.000,00 i.v. C.F., P. IVA e Iscr. Registro Imprese n. 00053160529 – P. IVA Int.le IT 00053160529