Automatic robots for tire processing and palletizing

Manipulator robots for the tire industry are the central element for processing, handling and storage. Manipulator robots are in fact used in the tire industry both for handling and palletizing and storing raw materials, green tires and finished tires.


Tire Palletizers

Cassioli’s anthropomorphic robots are the fastest and most versatile solution for automatically palletizing tires and preparing them for shipment. Each palletizer robot is equipped with an extremely flexible articulated arm, with a variety of gripper attachments for the varying needs of the customer and the plant.

GT Angle Correction Machine

The GT Angle Correction Machine allows you to rotate the green tire through the support of a manipulator and a barcode reader, rotating it and preparing it in the right angular position for the presses. The GT Angle Correction Machine can automatically manage different sizes, with fast and accurate tire handling.