
Cassioli awarded as Best Large Enterprise for management performance and financial reliability in the province of Siena

Cassioli was awarded in Rome, in the Aula Magna of the Luiss Guido Carli University, as the best large company for management performance and Cerved financial reliability in the province of Siena.

The event was attended by 90 joint-stock companies based in Central Italy, which were awarded the High Budget Honor on the occasion of the 41st event of the Felix Industry Award.

The companies were chosen by a qualified Scientific Committee chaired by Professor Cesare Pozzi, Professor of Industrial Economics at Luiss, according to an incontrovertible algorithm of competitiveness relating to the income statement, the financial reliability indicated by the Cerved Group Score Impact and an average of employees not lower than that of the previous year.

The Industria Felix award, founded by the journalist Michele Montemurro and organized by Industria Felix Magazine, is developed on the basis of a maxi survey on the 2020 financial statements of 700,000 joint-stock companies carried out in collaboration with the Cerved Group Research Department.

The coveted award for Cassioli was received by the CEO, Carlo Cassioli, and Mascia Romani, Administrative Manager, who said they were proud of the recognition that enhances the investment plan and business activities of our Company with foresight and courage towards the future.

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