
Cassioli has joined the Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) program for promoting health in the workplace

Cassioli has recently joined Workplace Health Promotion (WHP), a program promoted by the Tuscany Region in collaboration with the Local Health Authority, aimed at preventing and promoting health in occupational settings.

The concept of Health Promotion in the workplace assumes that a company not only implements all measures to prevent accidents and occupational diseases but also commits to providing its employees with opportunities to improve their health by reducing general risk factors and, in particular, those most involved in the development of chronic diseases.

Workplaces that promote health, for example, encourage and promote physical activity, provide opportunities to quit smoking, promote healthy eating, and implement measures to improve well-being at work and outside of work.

Cassioli is pleased to participate in this initiative, with a new philosophy in which work environments become spaces for health education and where the adoption of healthy behaviors, from nutrition to active lifestyles, is encouraged.

The thematic areas of the WHP project will be as follows:

  • Promotion of proper nutrition
  • Combating tobacco smoking
  • Promotion of physical activity
  • Promotion of road safety and sustainable mobility
  • Combating harmful alcohol consumption and other dependencies
  • Promotion of occupational well-being and work-life balance
  • Interventions to promote adherence to vaccination plans, cancer screenings, and environmental/resource protection.

It is a challenging and highly important program aimed at promoting the psychophysical well-being of employees and, consequently, that of the surrounding community.

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